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Organize incentive event in Krakow

Krakow and its surroundings offer simply limitless potential opportunities for the organisation of incentive events

You can explore the treasures of the Old Town, the heritage of Jewish Kazimierz, Zwierzyniec and socialist realist atmosphere of Nowa Huta. You can also escape from the hustle and bustle of the metropolis, and contemplate the silence in Tyniec Benedictine Abbey, soak up the idyllic 19th-century atmosphere of Lanckorona, enjoy the scenic landscapes of Valleys and the Niepołomicka Forest, both nearby, or immerse yourself in nature in the Ojcowski National Park. The range of incentive events is very varied: grand outdoor productions in the unique scenography of mediaeval castles; urban integration games in which participants follow the paths of kings, artists and scholars, tracking historical mysteries; and also prestigious intimate banquets for VIPs in stylish museum interiors.

Below we present a selection of venues from the catalogue "Integration and incentive events in Krakow and Małopolska"


On Franciszkańska Street...

On Franciszkańska Street...

The Gothic Franciscan basilica in Krakow has magnificent examples of Polish art nouveau. For it is decorated with murals and stained glass by Stanisław Wyspiański, the most outstanding Polish artist of the period. Without a doubt, the finest Wyspiański stained glass in the Basilica is the expressionist "God the Father bringing the world out of chaos" in the west window, above the choir. Fourteen paintings of the stations of the Passion were created for the Franciscan Church by Józef Mehoffer, another prominent representative of the art nouveau. The Franciscan basilica also holds a faithful copy of the Shroud of Turin. The exceptional interior adds glamour to the concert performed by well-known and popular local artists, organised as part of the programme.

A short tour of the Basilica and a concert of chamber music fill the first part of the evening. During the second part, the participants are invited to the cloisters for monastic refreshments for which the mood is set by the dignified interior of the basilica and the proximity of the artworks. Event prepared by:

Water madness

Water madness

The "water madness" programme will interest fans of extreme sport, as it includes battling with a mountain river on rafts, kayaks and hydrospeed boards. The event takes place at one of the artificial canoeing trails which are located in Krakow and Wietrznice. Rafting on the foaming waves accompanies the atmosphere of a jolly family picnic.

This leisure activity, aimed at companies and various professional groups, not only provides the participants with a good dose of adrenaline, but is also a form of team-building. The kayak trail is perfectly suited to this type of fun as it is safe for the participants. The activities show how to behave on the water, build partnership and coordinate actions. Participants are provided with the necessary equipment: canoes, paddles, helmets, canoe coats and lifejackets, and their safety is ensured by instructors and lifeguards. The day is rounded off with a feast around the bonfire, with musical entertainment provided by the invited band. Event prepared by:

Amber – A Polish Treasure

Amber – A Polish Treasure

Amber is traditionally considered to be the Polish national gemstone. It is fossilised resin, valued for its unique colour and exceptional beauty. Amber, used by jewellers in creating items in combination with precious metals, is usually yellow-orange in colour, but there are others, from lemon and red to black, green, or even blue. Amber fascinates people, recalling liquid gold forever "frozen" in time. The event programme allows you to explore the history associated with amber – a noble jewel – and the tradition of its use. The participants, together with well-known Krakow artists, create an exclusive gallery of amber jewellery which features items made by them alone.

For event participants, a box containing a piece of amber awaits at the hotel. Then, during a walk around Krakow, in successive areas related to the processing of amber, guests receive more fragments of the precious stone from which they create works according to their own fancy. These are then "polished up" by the artist. The next day, the amber jewellery, embellished with the creator's initials, is placed in elegant boxes with your company logo, and is then passed on to the participants, for whom it is a reminder of an unforgettable visit to Poland. Event prepared by:

Explore the Mountain World

Explore the Mountain World

Exploring the world of the mountains is a year-round integration game, even feasible in winter, except for the periods when the Rescuers in the Tatras announce a 4 or 5 degree of avalanche danger. This is typical orienteering, marked out in the field.

The programme is intended for people sensitive to the beauty of the mountains and open to adventure. Participation in the activities enables guests to become familiar with navigation and the principles of moving in mountainous terrain. During the event you will learn about the dangers of mountains and ways to avoid them, and the art of dealing with difficult situations. Another element of the training is to draw attention to the impact of weather on activity in the mountains, and mountain equipment and how to use it. There is also the opportunity to learn about caves and the forces of nature.

The individual steps of the recreational activities are diverse in terms of the technical and sporting difficulties. Participants are divided into teams that are under the care of Tatra guides or mountain rescuers who, during the event, talk about their knowledge of the mountains. The task of each team is to follow a particular route and find checkpoints.

Participants head for the points using the instructions, maps, compasses, and field marks provided. The particular placing in the competition is determined by the overall number of points, the knowledge, and team involvement. After completing the entire route, the points are totalled and the winning team rewarded. Event prepared by:

Meet the mine at night

Meet the mine at night

A journey underground in the Wieliczka Salt Mine, a unique global heritage site, registered in the first UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage List, using exclusively personal mining lamps, will provide tourists with an unforgettable experience, and during the night-time adventure there are numerous tasks and surprises. The light brings out of the dark dramatic landscapes, salt statues, and shrines. Salt has many colours; it can be hard grey rock or secondary crystallization – intricate, white as snow, resembling icicles. Walking the salt chambers and corridors with the lights out creates a unique mood and gives a taste of the miners' work.

The programme takes place between the hours of 20.30 - 22.30 (after season between 18.30 - 20.30), after the closure of the mine to tourists (mine lighting is switched off). Participants are provided with helmets and miners lamps, and are trained in safety and operation of the equipment. The group will see a number of attractions, such as: meetings with historical figures, light and sound displays in the beautiful chapel of St. Kinga, and a taste of żupnikówka – a special drink that gives courage. After the visit, the good spirit of the underworld, the Treasurer, gives everyone a diploma confirming participation in the adventure. An added attraction for the participants is a ferry ride across an underground salt lake or a meal in a restaurant located 125 metres underground or in the elegant restaurant of the Grand Sal Hotel **** (on the surface). There is also the possibility of taking underground spa treatments or health and wellness cures at the "Salt Mill". Event prepared by:

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News author: Małgorzata Rajwa
News Publisher: Biuro Kongresów EN
Published: 2019-05-16
Last update: 2024-08-05