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Adres: Collegium Novum Uniowersytetu Jagiellońśkiego, Gołębia 24, Kraków
  • Data:

    2016-06-26 - 2016-06-29

  • Dodatkowe informacje:

    Intellectual property (IP) laws and policies vary among jurisdictions. The international framework of minimum standards is a structure that enables IP pluralism. Variation can be positive in order to allow for appropriate national or regional policy. Too many different rules can also be challenging, particularly for cross-border trade and enforcement. In some circumstances diversity is preferable and in others greater harmonisation may be a better option. Each panel in the congress will explore different aspects of IP variation and particularly interpretative processes, the actors and institutions involved in those processes, and the resulting outcomes at national, regional and international levels. The overarching theme is whether this IP pluralism is functional and how it might be made more so. What are the parameters, challenges and opportunities for IP as functional pluralism?

  • International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property, Uniwersytet Jagielloński

Miejsce wydarzenia: Collegium Novum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego