Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, Entrepreneurs, Friends, On June 6, 2020, fairs were officially unfrozen. The exhibition industry has been preparing very intensively for this date for many weeks.
Thanks to the close cooperation of experts of the Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry and the Crisis Staff (of which PCEI is a co-founder) and the Ministry of Development, Guidelines for trade fair organizers, Guidelines for business meetings, training and conference organizers, as well as Guidelines for multi-functional facilities were created. The Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry has also prepared the Guidelines and Recommendations of PCEI for exhibitors.
The guidelines are aimed at minimizing the possibility of contracting the coronavirus, increasing safety and health protection for all fair participants - exhibitors, visitors and employees working during the event at the stands, and comprehensive actions adapted to the stage of the epidemic.
As our priority is the safety of fair participants, all the above guidelines have been implemented by the fair organizers who are Members of our Chamber. Our FAIRS ARE SAFE!
Grażyna Grabowska, President of the board of Targi w Krakowie Sp. z o. o. believes that - As soon as the epidemic stops developing, resume the fairs as soon as possible will be of crucial importance, of course in accordance with the rules of increased hygiene. Safe fairs can be successfully organized over a large space, while maintaining all health and safety guidelines. Targi w Krakowie Sp. z o. o. has implemented all of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate’s guidelines, including the introduction of the online sale of tickets, the obligation to cover the mouth and nose and the possibility of purchasing masks at the fair facility, or installing an appropriate number of distributors with disinfectants at all entrances, toilets and other public areas.
Tomasz Kobierski, President of the board, Międzynarodowe Targi Poznańskie also emphasizes the important role of the organizer in securing the facility and the fair event itself - MTP introduced, among others, non-contact temperature measurement, electronic ticket sales, as well as registration of all fair participants in order to obtain an epidemiological declaration - about not being subject to quarantine or isolation.
Andrzej Mochoń, President of the Management Board, Targi Kielce adds - When it comes to security, Targi Kielce, apart from introducing online ticket sales or the obligation to cover the mouth and nose, provide a safe space for guests waiting to enter the fairgrounds, separate zones for entry using lines and stickers showing directions, they have also equipped customer service points with plexiglass covers.
Paweł Orłowski, Vice-President, Gdańsk International Fair, also ensures the implementation of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate’s Guidelines - Gdańsk Fair, just like other organizers have already implemented all the guidelines. At the fair, we provide the right number of distributors for hand hygiene and disinfection, we make sure that such frequently touched elements such as: handles, handrails, balustrades, countertops are cleaned with disinfectants, trash and waste are regularly disposed of and the containers are cleaned and disinfected. It is also important to regularly ventilate the rooms and spaces that the participants are in.
We are aware that apart from the fear of a possible coronavirus infection, some companies are refraining from deciding to participate in the fairs in 2020. The main reason for this is that companies need to save their own businesses after stagnation caused by the pandemic, which forces them to cut costs and, in many cases, to postpone participation in fairs until "better times". This is quite an understandable action, but it is worth considering the benefits of trade fairs, especially during the slowdown caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Fairs are ...:
According to Tomasz Kobierski, President of the Management Board of the Poznań International Fair
– The economic slowdown has become a fact. And after the pandemic, business will need new contacts, long-lasting and reliable. (...) Trade fairs can significantly contribute to the re-opening of the Polish economy after the period of slowdown and help many companies overcome the crisis.
When cutting expenses, it is easy to give up large, paid marketing campaigns, but can business afford to give up such an effective marketing tool as trade fairs? Definitely not! While waiting for the "better" times, it is worth planning participation in fairs with reduced budgets, because this is what will help companies recover from the economic crisis after the pandemic. There is no need to convince anyone how each signed agreement will improve not only the Polish but also the global economy. - says Andrzej Mochoń, President of the Management Board, Targi Kielce.
Grażyna Grabowska, President of the Management Board of Targi w Krakowie Sp. z o.o. also confirms - It is impossible in today's world to talk about developing - let alone reopening - the economy without trade fairs. They that stimulate the development of every field of business, both aimed at the internal and external market, give impetus for development and help to introduce innovations. The Fairs are a safe place for the safe exchange of information, contacts, a safe place for selling goods and services and for gaining knowledge.
Paweł Orłowski, Vice-President, Gdańsk International Fair, also encourages people to return to the fairs as soon as possible - Fairs also promote new technologies and business concepts that penetrate the economic world. They also bring additional jobs related to event management or access to important business information related to commercial relations. Undoubtedly, the participation of the economic and social environment in trade fairs results in greater activity in the field of individual entrepreneurship.
For many weeks, the exhibition industry has been ready for the safe return of trade fair events. The first trade fairs in Poznań, Kielce, Kraków and Gdańsk are already behind us. They took place without any problems and in compliance with the sanitary regime required by the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.
The organizers are already getting ready for large autumn events and hope to have growing numbers of exhibitors and visitors, at the same time reminding about the potential of the exhibition industry, including competence, expert knowledge, knowledge of foreign markets, a network of sales representatives, as well as proven matchmaking formats. The potential of the exhibition industry includes such activities as fair presentations, economic missions of foreign customers and industry media to Poland, "hostedbyuer " programs and any other instruments that enable building new business relationships and concluding contracts.
See you at the fair because FAIRS GIVE MORE!
Beata Kozyra
Chairperson of the Board
Polish Chamber of Exhibition Industry
Fair organizers, PCEI members: