Future Meeting Space issues a new report called ‘Ten Topics That Influence Future Events’. The next report of the Future Meeting Space research project attempts to identify 10 main areas that affect future events and, as usual, is surprisingly accurate in identifying what will specifically affect the development of business events in the future.
Some of the factors influencing the development of events in the post covid era are ‘creative venues’ (special objects as physical spaces, promoting emotional experiences in small groups), ‘green tech’ (combining the environment, science and economy in harmony with nature), ‘neo-tribes’ (people meeting in a small, very diverse group – an alternative to the nuclear family model), ‘workation’ (combination of work and free time in specially selected holiday destinations) and ‘urban flight’ (development of a new sense of attachment to rural areas as an alternative to globalisation; joy of rural life as a new way of life).
The ten areas identified in the report are:
The environment we live in
Sustainable development
The world of work
Political framework
New technologies
Formats of events
Homeworking and virtual communication have replaced commuting and business trips. People increasingly appreciate the benefits of this, such as saving time and money and reduced carbon dioxide emissions to the atmosphere. Combining different transport needs into a mobility chain that can be booked via digital platforms will promote the convenience of using public transport and micro-mobility offers (e.g., e-scooters).
The environment we live in
The environment we live in is undergoing a transformation that is characterised by various aspects. On one hand, there is an ‘urban flight’ where people move to rural areas and lead a self-sufficient lifestyle and assist the growth of regional economic areas (glocalisation), which places emphasis on regions rather than cities. On the other hand, urban mega-spaces with a high population density are created. Crises such as COVID and climate-related natural disasters will force the tomorrow’s designers to design cities that are crisis-resistant and that have a solid physical and social structure.
Sustainable development
The concept of sustainable development is supported primarily by younger generations. The so-called ‘global generation’ is critical towards consumerism and lobbies for a more sustainable economy and society. In terms of the development of new technologies, ‘green tech’ is gaining more and more attention
During the COVID pandemic, certain values such as the need for safety and health will come ever-more forcefully to the forefront and gain more attention. Major changes to the social value system will have a lasting impact on the events ecosystem, as events will be selected according to their own values.
Formats of events
Networking, knowledge sharing and experience will continue to be the most important factors for event attendees. From now on, we will have a choice whether to participate in a meeting physically or virtually. The organisation of face-to-face events in particular will therefore need to embrace other formats to encourage participation.
I encourage you to read the full report and learn about the challenges of the post-Covid era. The report is available for download from the SKKP Academy online educational platform https://www.akademia.skkp.org.pl/
Source: https://future-meeting-space.de/?lang=en
Author: Anna Górska