The City of Kraków and its partners have inaugurated the ‘Kraków Women’ project. Its aim is to present the profiles of women connected with Kraków, who through their activities have participated and continue to participate in its development.
On 7 November, in the small hall of TAURON Arena Kraków, during a performance by the Cracovia Danza Ballet staged in connection with the 103rd anniversary of granting voting rights to Polish women, the logo of the ‘Kraków Women’ project – a crown – was presented for the first time. It is an expression of profound respect for the women of Kraków who have shaped the image of our City for centuries.
The Cracovia Danza Ballet's performance ‘Women of Kraków. History and legend’ presented queens, duchesses, sportswomen, poets, actresses and social activists connected with Kraków who fought for women's rights and built the image of our city. ‘We could see scenes, arranged according to the historical chronology, showing women in their epochs, customs and stories connected with them,’ says Romana Agnel, director and choreographer of the show ‘Women of Kraków. History and legend’.
Guests of the performance included Anna Korfel-Jasińska, Deputy Mayor for Education, Sport and Tourism, and Nina Gabryś, the Mayor's Plenipotentiary for Equality Policy.
In order to popularise the project, and thus the biographies of the famous Kraków women, the Kraków City Hall, together with the PTTK Central Centre for Mountain Tourism, is developing the first urban herstory tourist trail. The ‘Kraków Women’ project also includes activities aimed at broadening knowledge on the history of women and initiating programmes supporting Kraków women in various spheres of activity.
We encourage you to read the article entitled „Prawa wyborcze Polek – droga zbudowana z marzeń i wytrwałości” Agnieszki Chłosty-Sikorskiej, [Rights of Polish women – a Road Built on Dreams and Perseverance] by Agnieszka Chłosta-Sikorska, which appeared in the city biweekly ‘Krakó’, No. 18 of 3 November 2021.