On November 14–16, 2022, the Korean City of Andong hosted the 18th edition of the World Conference of the Historical Cities, devoted to the topic: ‘Future-Oriented Historical City Based on Community’. Kraków was represented by Katarzyna Piotrowska, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture and National Heritage. During the Conference, the Mayor of Kraków, Jacek Majchrowski, was elected to the Board of Directors of the League of Historical Cities for the 2022–2026 term.
Along with Kraków Mayor, the Board includes presidents of the following cities: Gyeongju, Konya, Ljubljana, Shiraz, Bad Ischl, and Xi'an.
Traditionally, at the end of the Conference, its participants adopted a document entitled Declaration of Peace and Solidarity, which is the current message that the League of Historical Cities sends to the world as an appeal for peace and cooperation.
The text of this document declares,: ‘Every historical city in the world has developed over centuries through the efforts of its inhabitants trying to cherish their unique traditions and culture. These precious resources must be passed on to future generations. The League of Historical Cities was founded to promote world peace, which is fundamental to the preservation and development of historical cities, and is the desire of all mankind. For cities that share the common bond of being a historical city, the League serves as a platform to promote cooperation and build the foundations of solidarity. We have had many vital discussions amongst us. We have developed our friendship and tried to solve social problems. However, conflicts between nations due to racial, ethnic, cultural and religious differences continue. With the most profound regret, we admit that many lives have been lost due to warfare and that historical heritage – a universal value for humanity – is being destroyed in various parts of the world. Any conflict should be resolved peacefully, for example through dialogue and not by military action. At a time when the international community is increasingly divided, we hereby declare and reaffirm our solidarity based on a special bond and cooperation. In addition, we hereby commit ourselves to take action to enhance mutual understanding through exchanges and dialogue between cities and their citizens. We want to show the world the importance of dialogue in solving problems and support and encourage historical cities and their inhabitants suffering from conflicts.’
The League of Historical Cities was established by the participants of the 4th World Conference of Historical Cities in Kyoto in 1994. Kraków also found itself among the 25 founders of the League. The League, based in Kyoto, Japan, currently brings together 129 cities worldwide.