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The Krakow sustainable tourism strategy

The Krakow Convention Bureau, part of the Tourism Department of the Municipality of Krakow, supports the local industry and event organisers with implementing sustainable solutions during their events, as well as with strategic and ongoing tasks.

We offer sustainable solutions for the meeting industry by including ecological, social, economic and cultural aspects of events held in Krakow. We work towards a climate-neutral city that cares for the environment and has a well-developed circular economy.

Our actions are grounded in:

– The “Krakow Development Strategy. This is where I want to live. Krakow 2030,” adopted in resolution no. XCIV/2449/18 of the Krakow City Council of 7 February 2018 together with the updated draft of the “Krakow Development Strategy. This is where I want to live. Krakow 2030/2050 (with an outlook until 2050)”. This document, which is highly significant for Krakow, lists the development of the meeting industry and sustainable tourism as a course of action in Strategic Objective 2: “Krakow 2030/2050 – a metropolis with international network connections, striving for climate and environmental neutrality, with a resilient, circular economy based on knowledge and environmentally friendly mobility.”

– The “Krakow sustainable tourism policy for the years 2021-2028,” which states that tourism is one of the recommended and strategic directions of development for Krakow. We advocate harmonious tourism development with respect for and dialogue with the industry, international associations and residents, promoting the cultural wealth of the city and the region.

– Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)

We follow a conscious management approach:

Our pro-climate actions:

We embrace social aspects:

The Krakow sustainable tourism strategy