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Reports and promotional materials about Kraków

Below are reports and a presentation about Krakow 

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quote: “First and last name, for the City Office of Krakow.”

The Krakow Convention Bureau is not liable for damages caused by unlawful use of materials published in the DOWNLOAD tab.


» About Krakow » Report "The Meeting Industry in Krakow 2023"

krakow prezentacja

raport 2023


» Report "The Meeting Industry in Krakow 2022" » Report "The Meeting Industry in Krakow 2021"

raport 2022

Branża spotkań 2021

» Report "The Meeting Industry in Krakow 2020" » Report "The Meeting Industry in Krakow 2019"

Raport 2020


11. Edycja Raportu Branża Spotkań
» Unique Venues 2019 » Report "The Meeting Industry in Krakow 2018"

Unique Venues 2019

Raport Branża Spotkań 2018

» Krakow Unique Venues 2018 » Report "The Meeting Industry in Krakow 2017"

krakow unique venues 2018

krakow meeting industry 2017

» Report "The Meeting Industry in Krakow 2016" » Report "The Meeting Industry in Krakow 2015"

krakow meeting industry 2016

Raport 2015

» Unique Venues » Report "The Meeting Industry in Krakow 2014"

unique venues

» Report from the implementation of the project 
- Short version

» Report from the implementation of the project
- Full version

Report from the implementation of the project - Short version

Report from the implementation of the project- Full version
» Kraków. Małopolska. Sustainable Meetings » Kraków. Małopolska.
Meetings Compendium
Kraków. Małopolska. Sustainable Meetings Kraków. Małopolska. Meetings Compendium
» Meeting Planner Guide
» Incentives in Krakow » Meetings Compendium
» Incentives in Krakow
and the Malopolska Region
» Event Venues &
Banquet Halls in Krakow
Incentives in Krakow and the Malopolska Region Event Venues
» Museums Meetings Offer » Krakow Convention Bureau


» City Center Map  

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News author: Małgorzata Rajwa
News Publisher: Biuro Kongresów EN
Published: 2019-05-20
Last update: 2024-07-19