Research on Poles' winter trips
The Polish Tourism Organisation conducted research on travel plans for the winter season, which was defined as the period from December 24, 2024 to March 2, 2025. The aim of the study was to obtain information on how many Poles plan to travel for recreational and leisure purposes, as well as where they intend to spend this time - in the country or abroad, where they are looking for accommodation, in what standard and how far in advance they book their stay.

The survey shows that over 54% of Poles plan to travel in the winter season, with the majority declaring they will choose domestic destinations. Only 10% of respondents indicated that they plan to travel abroad.
Domestic Trips:
Among the most frequently chosen domestic destinations, respondents most often plan to spend their holidays in the following provinces: Małopolskie (27%) and ex aequo Dolnośląskie and Pomorskie (13% each). The vast majority declared that a winter trip is primarily a holiday in the Polish mountains. The rest indicated a desire to spend their holiday by the sea or in a large city.
Among the main goals of trips in the winter season, respondents most often mentioned: rest and relaxation (44%), visiting tourist attractions (17%) and practicing winter sports (11%).
During their trips, survey participants most often stay in hotels offering full board (38% of respondents), in accommodation without a catering offer (42%) or with family and friends (15%).
The vast majority of respondents plan their trips about a month in advance. Only 17% declared reservations two or three months in advance, and only 15% plan their trip a week before its date. They plan their trips primarily for the winter holidays.
Foreign trips:
Respondents who plan to go on holiday in the winter indicated different reasons for their travel than those spending this time in Poland.
The main motivations for going abroad included: seeking sun and beach, rest and relaxation, and practicing winter sports. When asked about the reason for choosing a trip abroad, respondents most often answered that they "wanted to have guaranteed weather" (32%).
The next reasons indicated were: the desire to visit a specific destination (28%) and a preference for a holiday abroad (20%). The majority of Poles choosing a holiday abroad decide to stay overnight without meals (40%). In turn, one third of respondents choose full package deals. Only 15% of respondents decide to stay overnight with family or friends.
Respondents plan foreign trips more in advance than domestic trips. Around 31% of respondents declare that they make reservations a month before departure, 20% plan their holidays two to three months in advance, and 18% book foreign holidays three months before the departure date.
Regardless of whether a domestic or international trip is planned, 49% of respondents plan a stay of 4 to 7 days.