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Bus stops, bicycle infrastructure and P+R sites – open data published by the Public Transport Authority


The “Open Data” tab can now be found on the website of the Public Transport Authority (ZTP) in Krakow. All users can browse information related to the authority's operations. The database will be reviewed and updated on an ongoing basis.

Sustainable Actions Checklist


Organize a sustainable meeting in Krakow! With a few small steps, you'll reduce waste and make the most of Krakow's local potential! Check out our list!

Declaration of diversity, equality and inclusivity in the congress industry


As the congress industry, we recognise the importance of the principles of diversity, equality and inclusion in building a strong and thriving global community. Our involvement is rooted in the belief that everyone, regardless of their background or identity, should enjoy equal opportunities. We hope that by adopting these values we can offer events that are not only successful, but also positively impact the local community.

The Krakow sustainable tourism strategy


The Krakow Convention Bureau, part of the Tourism Department of the Municipality of Krakow, supports the local industry and event organisers with implementing sustainable solutions during their events, as well as with strategic and ongoing tasks.

Climate Pact


Krakow has been consistently pursuing climate neutrality for years, by implementing sectoral programmes in various areas, for instance to increase renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and access to transportation. Representatives of all communities, local self-government organisations, businesses and residents are invited to participate in climate and environment initiatives.

10 Sins of the Oblivious Tourist


It’s that time of year again when to make the most of the spring weather and some additional days off we like to spend time close to nature, often by the water. In our search for pristine nature, we often come across unpleasant surprises – in rivers, lakes and other water bodies, as well as along their banks. Illegally dumped bags with rubbish, barbecue leftovers, and traces of detergents used to wash cars that leave multicolor film floating on the surface of the water. Such views can ruin your well-deserved relaxation. That’s why we would like to remind everybody that we are all responsible for taking care of the waters.

Cycling to work, home, bike, work...and repeat


The 8th edition of the cycling campaign "Cycling to work, i.e. home, bike, work...and repeat" was launched on 1 March. The Krakow Convention Bureau and the Department of Tourism are taking part!

Drink tap water in Krakow


The water in Krakow’s taps is commonly available, environmentally friendly, and much cheaper than bottled water. And most importantly, it is of high quality and is continuously monitored.

“Wide open for sustainable meetings” – Leonardo Hotels


Magdalena Młynarczyk – Cluster Poland Director of Sales and Marketing at Leonardo Hotels, joined us for an interview and shared the solutions implemented at Leonardo Hotels. Last year, their Krakow hotels received Green Key certification, which confirms the efficiency of operations and commitment to sustainability of Leonardo Hotels and the entire team.

Using public transportation during events


Organisers of conferences, congresses, cultural and sports events can take advantage of special rates on public transportation in Krakow. 

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