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News from Krakow

We are stronger together


The 17th meeting of the Strategic Alliance of the National Convention Bureaux of Europe held in the Melia Lisboa Oriente hotel in Lisbon on 15th–16th September 2022 proved once again the importance of international co-operation in our complex world.

Association News – A critical look at the RFP process of associations.


The report issued by in July 2022 is based on the results of a completed survey, discussions with international associations and two roundtable sessions of the UIA. The survey was carried out in order to gain a clear understanding of the Request for Proposal (RFP) process concerning the selection of a destination for conferences held by associations.

How to improve the competitiveness of tourism entities?


Certification from an authorised entity is an effective marketing factor and a tool supporting tourism entrepreneurs who face difficulties due to the pandemic, an increase of business costs or consequences of the conflict in Ukraine. The Certificate of Good Practices of the Polish Tourism Organisation is intended to help not only in building good standards and services, but also in improving the business competitiveness of entities operating in the tourism sector.

Of course we are there – Targi w Krakowie Ltd. at SANA 2022 in Bologna


The 34th International Fair of Organic and Natural Products SANA 2022 became an opportunity for Targi w Krakowie Ltd. to build and strengthen connections between the Polish market and the Italian market.

September with Targi w Krakowie Ltd.: we open the MICE industry season


For Targi w Krakowie Ltd. and the entire MICE industry, September is the first leg of the autumn marathon for which we have been preparing for the whole year. Finally, it is time to begin the countdown to the start of the season. We have planned events for experts, researchers, enthusiasts, families, and not only them.

Congress of Italian teachers in Kraków


The originator and main co-ordinator of the event is Anna Kondraciuk – a graduate of Italian studies at the Jagiellonian University, methodologist and language school owner. Anna Kondraciuk has conducted methodology courses and supported and accompanied foreign language teachers in their work for years.

Kraków – a city of innovation! The Kraków. Meet the Innovation campaign starts


Over 500 technology companies, almost 50,000 IT employees and 9,000 students of IT-related fields are only some of the figures confirming that Kraków is one of the most rapidly developing innovation centres in Europe. The image of a business-friendly city will be created by a campaign designed by Kraków5020 – a municipal company functioning in the DMO (Destination Management Organisation) model whose goal is to build the image of the city and to promote it in co-operation with entities from various industries.

Kraków. This is where you are!


We set new challenges for ourselves in the world of continuous changes. We are opening a new chapter of thinking about the creation and promotion of Kraków’s image. Kraków5020 has just gained two new promotion tools: it became the operator of the ICE Kraków Congress Centre and the PLAY KRAKÓW platform.

ASSOCIATION NEWS — Meeting organisation costs set to keep rising


According to the Global Business Travel Forecast 2023 report, published on 10 August by CWT and the Global Business Travel Association, global travel and meeting prices will continue to soar through 2022 and 2023, with rising fuel prices, labour shortages, and raw material costs cited as the primary drivers of the expected price growth.

Poland’s first medical symposium on multidisciplinary treatment of primary cancers and spinal metastases


The event will be an innovative medical and scientific symposium whose aim will be to build general medical teams capable of meeting the challenges posed by the astounding pace of advances in systemic cancer treatment, radiation therapy and spine surgery.

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