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News from Krakow

International Conference on Experimental Mechanics ICEM19 in 2022 in Kraków


IPPT PAN is the organizer of the prestigious International Conference on Experimental Mechanics ICEM19 to be held in 2022 in Kraków.

6th Polish Congress of Genetics – A Scientific Conference


The 6th Polish Congress of Genetics will be held 27–30 June 2022 at Jagiellonian University's Auditorium Maximum at ul. Krupnicza 33. The event is organised by the Polish Genetic Society (PTG) and the Polish Society of Human Genetics (PTGC).

Congresses are back at EXPO Kraków


This summer at the International Exhibition and Convention Centre, EXPO Kraków is going to be busy with congresses. The Central European Congress of Life Sciences EUROBIOTECH returns on 20–22 June after two years of absence. Valued by scientific and business communities, this biotechnology event combines scientific panels and a trade exhibition. For the first time ever, on 4–8 July, Kraków will host  the 21st Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research.

TERMIS-EU 2022 Conference comes this June


Late June and early July mark the time of another congress organised logistically by Mazurkas Congress Management. Under the name Termis EU 2022, researchers and scientists from around the world will have an excellent opportunity to network, acquire new experience, learn and adopt innovative thinking in the growing field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

Meeting Like No Other: 61st ICCA World Congress starts this Sunday


This truly has been a special year for the meetings industry, including organizers of conferences, congresses and fairs. After two years of struggle for survival, marked by the constant search for creative and technological responses to the ever changing circumstances and restrictions, the industry has awakened again with redoubled strength and vigour. It is now richer with priceless lessons of the past two years, new tools at its disposal and - most importantly – a stronger sense of purpose, not to mention the overall impact awareness and appreciation for the underlying values ​​that should be guiding the industry, today more than ever, perhaps, given how riddled with formidable challenges and uncertainties our world has become.


Kraków The Host City: Stories - Episode 10: Tourist attractions of Kraków


The term ‘tourist attractions’ was first used in 1972 by Erik Cohen, a travel sociologist, in his thesis Towards a Sociology of International Tourism, claiming that it is the visiting of tourist attractions that constitutes a basis for mass tourism. There are numerous definitions of the term itself; however, the simplest explanation is that it is anything that may be of interest to a tourist. Therefore, we can ask ourselves, what could have been interesting to tourists arriving in Kraków in recent centuries?

50 years of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention


This year marks the 50th anniversary of adopting the ‘Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage’ by the General Assembly of UNESCO. For this reason, on June 9th and 10th, the International Cultural Centre in Kraków will host a scientific conference with the participation of numerous European researchers.

Poland at the IMEX 2022 trade show


'It's good to be back’ – this was the motto of this year’s IMEX trade show, during which the Polish Tourism Organisation was the traditional organiser of the Polish national stand (G440) and a promotional action called Destination Poland.

ASSOCIATION NEWS – Worldwide ICCA ranking 2021


The report of the ICCA International Congress and Convention Association with a ranking of cities and countries was published on 30 May 2022, showing the number of association events in the world in 2021. Poland was ranked 18th, with 158 meetings.

Kraków The Host City: Stories Episode 9: Organising tourism in Kraków


There were many organisations in Kraków which dealt with tourism. The most important of them were the Polish Tatra Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Tatrzańskie), the Kraków branch of the Polish Sightseeing Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Krajoznawcze), a branch of the League of Promotion of Tourism (Liga Popierania Turystyki), the Kraków Summer Association (Związek Letniskowy Ziemi Krakowskiej), the Kraków Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Krakowska Izba Przemysłowo-Handlowa), the Polish Tourist Organisation (Polski Związek Turystyczny), the Polish Balneological Society (Polskie Towarzystwo Balneologiczne) and the Polish Ski Association (Polski Związek Narciarski).

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